Can you spot the scam and protect yourself from credit card phishing?
Phishing - the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. example: "an email that is likely a phishing scam"
(source: Oxford Dictionary online)
Spammers don't know you that well. Their emails look personal but at closer look, not so much. Look for emails sent to more than one address, or that don't address you by name.
Spammers are no email designers. Every phishing email I've ever received has terrible grammar, capitalization, and never has the company branding quite right. Distrust ugly emails.
Companies never ask for your credit card number again to provide a refund. If they already charged you, they can provide a refund without getting your card number again. Or your password. Or your social-security number.
Watch this video for a quick recap:
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